Radio Songgolangit Information & Solutions, was born as a medium for the people of Ponorogo who want to advance and advance Ponorogo in all fields through audio information. Radio Songgolangit which is supported by young people who are highly dedicated and experienced in the broadcats world, invites you to cooperate. We are sure that Songgolangit Radio can provide the best for all its Partners. The name Songgolangit has the meaning of seriousness and consistency in working and being a support and supporter in business development for the Ponorogo and Sikitar people.The Radio Songgolangit application is realized on the Research and Community Service program between lecturers and students of the Communication and Informatics Engineering study program at the University of Darussalam Gontor, in collaboration with Radio Songgolangit.Hopefully this Research and Community Service program can be useful and give blessings to all.-Presented by:Informatics Engineering Study ProgramCommunication Studies ProgramUniversitas Darussalam GontorIn collaboration with:Radio SonggolangitRadio Suara SurabayaPowered by:Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) of the Republic of Indonesia Powered by:Academy of Mobile Developer (AMOLED) / Developer Student Club (DSC) UNIDA Gontor